Watching online video is going to be clearer than ever. If this rumor of YouTube's latest 4K schemes are to be believed, we'll be seeing the pores on Katy Perry's face soon enough.

A report by GigaOM claims that YouTube will demonstrate a new 4K streaming technology at CES next week. It uses substantially less data than current formats and it is made possible by Google's VP9 codec announced at 2013's I/O conference. They claim that is has the same quality of h.264 but in less the size.

YouTube will apparently show off 4K streaming at the booths of LG, Panasonic and Sony at CES using a system built around VP9. They will also announced a list of 19 hardware partners that have pledged support to VP9 from vendors like ARM, Intel and Broadcom and consumer electronics heavyweights like Samsung, Sharp and Toshiba."
