
Old concrete septic tanks can cost you a lot of money each year if it hasn’t been upgraded. The reason for this is because old concrete septic tanks can require many extensive repairs once they start acting up, and the cost of these repairs can add up immensely once you start needing them. To avoid these costs, you should consider upgrading and improving your old concrete septic tank before it starts breaking down. Here are four tips you can follow to renovate your old concrete septic tank without having to replace it. 

1. Prevent Leaks by repairing cracks 

Old concrete septic tanks can crack, and these cracks can lead to leaks. For this reason, it is important to inspect your septic tanks for cracks or leaks regularly. Someone familiar with concrete septic tanks should do the inspections. If neither you nor someone you know are familiar with septic tanks, then you should hire a septic repair service to do the inspection. If cracks are found in your septic tank, then they should be repaired immediately to prevent further damage that could require you to have to replace your entire septic tank.

2. Improve your septic system by adding secondary tank upgrades

Some old septic tanks are undersized and cannot deal with current waste treatment needs. If your tank is undersized and can’t handle your modern waste needs, then adding a pump tank to your septic system could help distribute your waste to the drain field more efficiently. If tank volume is your issue, then you could also install a secondary waste treatment tank to your septic system to increase its capacity.


3. Improve drainage by improving or replacing the drain field

It is important that the drainage of your septic system is working properly. If there are problems with septic systems’ drainage then there are many solutions you can use to improve the problem. You can either choose to replace the drain field or you can opt to upgrade the drain field. If you have an older septic system, then you could have to deal with the problem of soil that are overly saturated. This is an easy problem to resolve, and it only requires moving the location of the drain drain field when you replace it.

4. Stop system deterioration by using liners

It is inevitable that your old concrete tank will eventually deteriorate. This problem comes with the territory of using old concrete septic tanks. Unfortunately, as old concrete septic tanks deteriorate, there is often damage done to its insides that can cause many problems. Thankfully, there are now solutions to this issue today. A common preventative measure used today that can help you avoid issues with your deteriorating septic tanks is to use a modern synthetic liner inside your tank. Modern liners can both slow down the deterioration of your septic tank and help you deal with leaks.

You now know four tips you can use to help you use your old concrete septic system for longer without having to replace it or pay for costly repairs. Doing some of these tips can be difficult if you aren’t familiar with septic tanks, so you may need to call a local septic or plumbing repair service for help. Many of these service companies have free consultation, so feel free to reach out to them and discuss your septic system and the cost for them to help you upgrade or repair it.