
Scientists have created "the first sperm-based biobots"—a cybernetic microorganism made of metal. It uses a bull's sperm cell that can be remote controlled and used to impregnate an egg or deliver a drug targeted to anywhere in your body.

Developed by the scientists at the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences in Dresden, Germany, we can totally see pandas benefiting from this, seeing how they don't exactly have the highest of sex drives.

The bot was created using a 50 micron long microtube. It captures the sperm cell and leaves the flagellum - or tail of the sperm - outside. There's also a magnetic field to control the direction of the metal tube, which means you can actually drive this to anywhere around the body.

According to Oliver Schmidt, "sperm cells are an attractive option because they are harmless to the human body, do not require an external power source, and can swim through viscous liquids."

Medically speaking, it sounds great. But do you really want some weird sperm in your body?