Astronauts Are Now Practicing Drilling an Asteroid Underwater [VIDEO]
Astronauts are training for Armageddon already! On Friday, astronauts Stan Love and Steve Bowen jumped in NASA's 40-foot-deep pool to try out a new suit design and several tools that will be used on the asteroid mission that will start in the 2020s....
Scientists Want to Visit a Metal Asteroid Circling The Sun
Linda Elkins-Tanton of the Carnegie Institute recently proposed a mission to visit the core of a proto-planet that was long ago stripped of its rocky outsides and cast adrift in the solar system.Asteroid 16 Psyche is much like Earth's core, but its ...
This Static Dot Is Actually A Newly Discovered Asteroid Passing By Our Planet [VIDEO]
In this beautiful tracking video below, you're looking at Asteroid 2013 XY8 which was captured buzzing by our planet on December 7th: Don't scoff at the size of that dot. It's estimated to be up to 230 feet, which is about the same size of a space ...
Japan Has Successfully Tested Its Asteroid Destroying Cannon [VIDEO]
Japan has successfully tested its asteroid destroyer cannon for its Hayabusa 2 spacecraft. It will fire off a 4 pound metal projectile into the 1999JU3 asteroid's soil. Once Hayabusa 2 is positioned between Earth and Mars - where 1999JU3 orbits - i...
Earth Could be Hit by a Newly Discovered Asteroid in 2032
It turns out there's a newly discovered asteroid that might hit Earth sooner than expected. Named the 2013 TV135, it was discovered by a team of Ukranian astronomers. The massive asteroid is said to have a real chance of hitting Earth in 2032 with A...
This Asteroid May Hit Earth in the Year 2880
More than 10,000 near-Earth objects have been identified so far, in the form of asteroids and comets of varying sizes that approach the Earth's orbital distance to within about 28 million miles. Out of the 10,000 discoveries, about 10% are larger th...
Scientists Scientists Have A New Theory On How Life Forms On Asteroids
There have been many theories about how life may have began on Earth. Scientists are working on a theory that it came via an asteroid. But how did life get onto an asteroid in the first place? Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, have com...
NASA Is Going To Lampoon An Asteroid Armageddon Style. Check It Out (Video)
The next frontier for mining is in space. But before they can do that they'll first have to figure out how to get on to one. And it's been one of NASA's goals to latch astronauts on to space rocks and take samples for studying. The agency released...
NASA Is Using An Old Satellite To Look For Asteroids
What do old and out of commission satellites do in space? Besides floating around, there's pretty not much they bring to the table. Except when NASA resurrects it. They did just that with one to hunt for asteroids. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Exp...
How Many Asteroids Are Close Enough For Man To Mine?
Deep space mining. It's a possibility and is probably going to happen once there's enough resources to do so. But before that, we'll need to identify which asteroids can be mined. Researchers from the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom ...
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