What Is The Procedure To Download Instagram Photos?
Instagram is the second popular application or the website which is a good one for sharing the photos in the physical platform. This social media is having some of the unique restrictions and so the users cannot able to download the photos from the ...
Why Mixbook.com is the Best in Creating Photo Books
Many people have become photo enthusiasts. Liking to take pictures can be attributed to the readily available photo-taking devices such as smartphones. However, many would like to have their photos in exciting books in which they can flip their phot...
Getting Rid of Twin Images
Do you have thousands of pictures on your phone and want to clear the Xerox ones? This is supposed to be a hard task to do and people usually run away from it. Well, this is not a problem now. Because duplicate photo finder does it for you. This sof...
Top 8 Best and Easy to Use Photo Enhancer Software
In this digital world, visual element play a crucial role, so it is very convenient to know the different image editing and photo enhancer software. In this article, we have compiled some best and easy to use photo enhancer software, which you can u...
Photoshop Celebrates 25 Years of Making People Look Better With This Video
Who knew Photoshop was so old! To celebrate their 25 years journey, they created this mesmerizing ad with the song 'Dream On' in the background. Here's to another 25 years more! Check it out below:
The Future of Photoshop on Your Tablet Looks Incredible [VIDEO]
This is the next version of Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere and more. Adobe's latest video shows off the future of its tablet-based graphic applications. If there's one thing you can be sure of, is that it is spanking awesome. You basically use a l...
Vhoto is an App for Pulling the Best Photos Out of Videos [VIDEO]
Vhoto is designed to pull incredible stills out of videos. It can its own video or import one taken by a device's camera and will automatically pick out the best stills from the video. Vhoto is currently available on iOS
Dropbox Has New Photo Gallery Service, Dropbox for Business Integration, and Mailbox App Now [VIDEO]
Dropbox is sort of diversifying today. It dropped a series of announcements at an event, about the future of the company. They revealed Carousel - their new photo gallery service. It is an easy-to-use gallery for videos and photos combining the ones...
Scientists Make Plants Work Better by Making Them Bionic
Graphene is truly some magical material. So it's no surprise that a team of chemical engineers and biochemists have managed to change how plants work, using that. They made plants work better by embedding carbon nanotubes into the plants' leaves so ...
This Table Uses Photosynthesis to Charge Your Devices [VIDEO]
Marjan van Aubel knows his way around an electrical diagram, so she fused furniture designing with some electrical expertise to create this energy efficient table. Called the Current Table, it uses dye solar cells to absorb energy and charge your d...
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