This App Has A Serious Plan To Spice Up Your Sex Life

There's a new online dating app, but it may just be too forward for your liking. Called Pure it is a no-strings-attached iOS service resembling Craigslist's casual encounter channel. The tool lets you browse who's around and what they want. For now, the app is awaiting App Store approval.
It will let you request like minded partners based on location/ You can designate gender, and desired partner and whether you're willing to travel or host. You're shown geo-coordinates and can chat too. There are no profiles to flip through. If you don't get a response from your match, it will disappear.
The app sounds like it may too racy, in concept that is, for the App Store though the founders said that it adheres to the iOS terms of service.

The service is championing sex for the pure joy of the act according to the founders. It's basically like a bootie call kind of app.
They plan to modify the app if they can't get in the app store. As for their marketing plan, here's a slightly NSFW short film aims to get the project exposure on YouTube:
Of course, there will be many criticisms for this app. Matchmaking is all about finding a partner easier. Could Pure's ethos be a turn off for some and will it make it easier for people to cheat? Or fuel nymphomaniacs? The app definitely lacks communication, skipping all that, jumping straight into the sack.
Sidorenko says he expected a much worse reception, and has plans for a companion app focusing on non-sexual activities.
What do you think of this concept? A tad bit filled with the makings of debauchery and sin? Or is this matchmaking 2.0?
- pure,
- app,
- sex,
- relationships
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