The Smell of Peanut Butter Can Determine if You Have Alzheimer's Disease [VIDEO]

Alzheimer's disease has yet another potential diagnostic tool: peanut butter.
Alzheimer's often impacts the olfactory cortex first, which compromises our sense of smell. Researchers at the University of Florida have discovered the power of peanut butter, a "pure odorant" that only involves the olfactory pathway.
In a pilot study, patients were presented with a tablespoon of peanut butter and asked to close their eyes and mouth while blocking one nostril. The physician then held a ruler to their open nostril and slowly moved the peanut butter closer, in 1-centimeter increments until the patient could smell it.
The findings were consistent with the pattern of Alzheimer's degradation: people with the disease couldn't detect the scent in their left nostril until the peanut butter was an average of 10cm closer than on the right side.
[University of Florida via PopSci]
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