Facebook's Drone-and-Laser Plan Will Give Everyone the Power of Internet [VIDEO]
Facebook's Internet.org project's goal is to get everyone in the world online. They've included partnerships with companies like Samsung and Nokia and NASA too. How are they going to give everyone the power of the internet? Via the sky of course. T...
A Cancer Fighting Tech Is Being Used To Make Micro Rocket Engines
Earth's orbit is filled with dozens of mobile phone sized nanosatellites. They are used for a wide range of stuff from student research to top secret projects by the government. The problem is, getting them into the correct position in space is diff...
Satellites Are Using This Dried Up Lake To Adjust Their White Balance
This is the dried up salt lake in Turkey called Lake Tersakan. Satellites are using it as a calibration tool. How so? Lake Tersakan dries up completely in the summer months to reveal a thick layer of salt. The surface is so bright and white that sat...
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