How to score high marks in Class 12 Home Science
The reason for Home Science is the formation of surroundings and to enable the learner to live a better-off and more persistent life, become future-ready, and build up 21st-century life skills for not just work, but also for livelihood as well as ca...
Key Features and Importance of Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that is devoted to the study of the relationship between chemical changes and electricity. The chemical reactions related to this branch of physical chemistry are commonly referred to as electrochemical re...
The Future of Medical Science
Medical science is a field that has to keep moving as fast as it can in order to keep up with the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs. Medical science pulls together several separate scientific disciplines and combines features of all ...
Computer Scientists Developing New Online Dating Engine To Measure Your Hotness Levels
For some of us, the mere thought of venturing into the world of online dating can be nerve-wrecking. Not only do you have to filter through weirdos sending you updates about their "horniness levels", you have to make sure that the photos you post a...
Science: Online Dating Is Bullsh*t
Bad news for online dating goers. According to Smart Scientists its all a bunch of hocus pocus. The good news is it still sort of works by accident, and might cause sex! The new study, reviewed an enormous body of evidence as to what makes us wan...
How a Single Car Can Cause a Phantom Traffic Jam
Sometimes, it feels as if traffic jams happen for no reason. And sometimes, you're right. Because it only takes just one car for a phantom traffic jam to happen. Watch this explanation:
5 Incredible Things Smartphones Are Doing To Save The World
You can do everything with your phone these days, but did you know that it might also be helping scientist to save the world? 1. Smartphones are becoming portable microscopesScientists at UCLA have created a portable microscope that can fit on the b...
This is What Happens if a Black Hole Appeared in Front of You [VIDEO]
The short answer: you'll die. And in the most spectacular way too since no one has ever known anyone who's died because of a black hole appearing out of nowhere in front of them. The long answer? Well, you've got to check out the video below for it:...
Here's How to Trick Mosquitoes From Biting You, According to Science
If you're like me, then you somehow attract mosquitoes. You're like a rave party with free entry and drink-all-you- can coupons lying around. But now, scientists have finally found a way to stop them from sucking on you. According to scientists at T...
This is What Your Pee Says About You [SCIENCE]
Do you know the color of your pee? And did you know it speaks volumes of you too? Here's why you should pay attention to it: it could have some tell-tale signs that are important. Check it out below:
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