TED-Ed Animation Explains How Light Teaches Astronomers About the Universe [VIDEO]
It is hard to understand the universe since it's so damn huge. But here's a video lesson by TED-Ed educator Pete Edwards. In it, he explains how light teaches astronomers about the Universe, pointing out that it carries six unique indicators which c...
Paper Folded in Half 103 Times is as thick as the Universe [VIDEO]
It is difficult to keep folding paper in half. The reason for that: there's no paper big enough. The hypothetical though: if you fold paper 103 times, the thickness of it will be larger than the observable universe - which is 93 billion light years....
Big Bang Evidence Suggests We Are Living in a Multiverse
If you think this sounds like an episode of Fringe, you might just be right. It turns out, according to some very real and verifiable scientific research, we might be living in a multiverse. The same research revealed that the first-ever direct evid...
Three Ways the Universe Will Be Destroyed [VIDEO]
Nothing lasts forever. The universe has an expiration date. But how will it get destroyed? Super smart folks have come up with three different theories on how that's going to happen: The Big Rip, Heat Death (or the Big Freeze) and the Big Crunch an...
There is Water in Stardust. We May Not Be Alone in The Universe
Scientists, have for the first time observed that stardust contains water. Which in turn could suggest that there is life elsewhere in the universe. The water forms within dust grains when they are charged from winds from the sun. The chemical react...
Scientists Just Found The Perfect Ruler to Measure The Universe Up To 1% Accuracy
How do you measure the Universe? It is so big it almost seems impossible to accurately measure the huge distances between things in it. Now a team of researchers working on the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic survey say they can measure distances b...
This Is The Deepest View of The Universe Man Has Ever Seen, So Far
The Hubble Telescope's latest photo from NASA's Frontier Fields project shows a picture of the deepest view we've ever seen into space. Man, it's beautiful.NASA scientists created a sort of naturally occurring zoom lens by using the bending of light...
Scientists Believe the Universe Will Implode. And It Is Sooner Than You Think
There will come a point in time when the Universe decides to hang everything up. Everything will come to an end. And while that is very likely to take an extremely long time to happen, a group of scientists from the University of Southern Denmark be...
The Big Bang Theory May Not Be How The Universe Started
We've always been told that it was the Big Bang that kickstarted the universe. But according to a paper posted on Arxiv, it may not have been what we think it is. In fact, there may have been no Big Bang at all. How did everything start then?The the...
Do We Know Where The Big Bang Actually Happened? (Video)
We all know the universe started off with a big bang. But just where it did occur? The answer as it turns out, is not that simple. As MinutePhysics explains, the center of the universe appears to depend on your frame of reference. Check out the vi...
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