The Reason Animals Can Re-Grow Limbs And We Can’t [VIDEO]
We should be able to re-grow our limbs, right? After all, if animals can do it, why can't we? How do they do that? What happened along evolution's way that decided we should just stop regrowing our limbs? Check out the educational video below:
Mosquitoes Are The Deadliest Animals Ever [VIDEO]
If you were to guess which animal is the deadliest in the world, you wouldn't have thought about the mosquito. But it is. It has 750,000 human deaths on its kill sheet. And that's just every year. A new visualization posted by Bill Gates show that ...
This Newly-Discovered Species Might be Extinct Soon
This animal may contain compounds that could one day save your life. Described as the 'microjewel' snail it is in extinction danger," announces NewScientist. These micro jewel snails will disappear because the hills in which they live are rich in li...
What Is The Biggest Living Thing On Earth? (VIdeo)
Just what is the biggest living thing on Earth? Is it the blue whale? Turns out, this is an argument on many different levels. Are we taking animals into account? Or any other living organism? Check out the video below from MinuteEarth as they disc...
EVOLUTION: We Are Causing Animal Brains To Grow Bigger.
Humans have a dire effect on the surrounding. From climate to natural disasters, now we're driving an increased brain size in animals. Evolution can thank us later. Emilie Snell-Rood from the The University of Minnesota examined a collection of mamm...
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