This is The Evolution of the Human Species in 2 Minutes [VIDEO]
This is a teaser for a book by John Gurshe on the science and art of how we think evolution happened and how it looks like. What do you think? Possible? Check it out below:
This is The Evolution of The iPhone in a One GIF
The iPhone has went through a few design changes, but only experienced a drastic change this year. This new GIF from GadgetLove shows how it has changed over the years. Check it out:
GE's New CT Scanner Can Capture Images, Literally in a Heart Beat
CT scans have been around for 40 years with not much innovation or upgrade to it. Patients have to remain still otherwise images will come out blurry. GE's latest Revolution CT will be able to image the entirety of your innards in the span of single...
Evolution's March of Progress Image Gets Everything About Evolution, Wrong [VIDEO]
How do you think evolution looks like? From ape to human in just a couple of steps? Sure that's the image in everybody's mind. Too bad that's all wrong. The image, now known as The March of Progress, first appeared in 1965. However, this video exp...
5000 Years of Religion in 90 Seconds [VIDEO]
Religion has a long history since the beginning of humankind. Here's a time lapse by Maps of War showing how the world has been imprinted with so many different faiths.From Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, the map shows 5000 years ...
Check Out The Ants On This Fruit Fly's Wings
Leave it to Mother Nature to keep coming up with creative ways to mess with our brains. What you are looking at is a G tridens fruit fly, which has somehow evolved to have what looks like pictures of ants on its wings. Dr Brigitte Howarth of Zayed U...
Check Out The Evolution Of iOS Homescreens in One GIF
iOS 7 is here to change your phone, but it has come a long way in its six years. Check out the transformation in this one big GIF. Put together by Czech Apple blog LetemSvetemApplem, it's clear iOS 7 is by far the biggest jump. Have you downloaded i...
EVOLUTION: We Are Causing Animal Brains To Grow Bigger.
Humans have a dire effect on the surrounding. From climate to natural disasters, now we're driving an increased brain size in animals. Evolution can thank us later. Emilie Snell-Rood from the The University of Minnesota examined a collection of mamm...
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