Scientists HACKED A Human By Controlling A Person With Another Person's Brain (Video)
Here's a scary piece of science: Researchers at the University of Washington have figured out how to send commands from one person's brain to control a different person's muscle movement. Are we at the era of HUMAN HACKING? Computational neur...
Glow In The Dark Snails Help Scientists Track Their Movements In The Night (Video)
Researchers from the ecology department in the University of Exeter have been studying how snails transmit a parasite called lungworm to dogs. Needless to say, it's a very slow and boring study. Except not so much when they attached LEDs to the slug...
Scientists Successfully Recreated St Elmo's Fire
US researchers have worked out how to reproduce ball lightning. It is sometimes referred to as St. Elmo's fire. The researchers from US Air Force Academy in Colorado have developed a technique that lets them generate clouds of plasma which floats in...
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