This Transparent TV Totally Pranks Pets All The Time [VIDEO]
LG's 4K TV isn't just good. It's crazy clear, and looks like it could pass off as a transparent TV. So the only thing left to do is to prank some pets with it.And it actually works. It's admittedly hard to tell the difference.
10 Tech Pranks We Wish Were Real [VIDEO]
April Fool's Day had some pretty impressive pranks. This year, more companies and websites got on board the pranking bandwagon by showing off fake gadgets and fake news. Here are some from technology companies we wished weren't fake at all. 1. Goo...
This Chatroulette 'Wrecking Ball' Prank Might Just Top Miley's Official Video
Steve Kardynal is on the loose on Chatroulette. Last year he put on a skimpy bikini and sang "Call Me Maybe". Today, he takes on Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball. And he ain't wearing any clothes.Kardynal sat naked on a makeshift wrecking ball to sing Cy...
LG Scares Job Applicants Into Thinking The World Is Ending (Video)
Here's one heck of a prank. Imagine watching the apocalypse during a job interview. This is LG's latest prank. The new video released on YouTube this week shows LG swapping out a window with one of its televisions showing the city in the background...
Skyping Around the World to 162 Different Countries
Skype's officially been around for 10 years, and to celebrate this milestone, comedian Mark Malkoff started the Skype Around The World project, which involved reaching out to participants via Facebook and Twitter to coordinate fun chat sessions wit...
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