Candy Crush Saga Might be Turning Kids into Gambling Addicts
The a combination of online games, internet, smartphone and tablets are giving modern parents the tools to use as play things for their children. Are they necessarily good or bad will probably be how they control the amount of such exposure to them....
Is It Possible for Artificial Intelligence to Create Better Games Than Humans?
There is a lot of creative process that goes into designing and developing a game. Mike Cook, a research assistant at the University of London raised an interesting question though: Can artificial intelligence design a game more compelling then some...
Watch The "Dots" Proposal, As a Woman Scores a Husband [VIDEO]
The iPhone game Dots is pretty popular. And for one couple, it has become a staple in their lives. Shawn reached out to the creator of Dots to help propose to his girlfriend, who is also a fan of the mobile game., The Dots team created a special ve...
'Candy Crush Saga' Update Means You Won't Be Paying Attention at Work Anymore
The extremely addictive Candy Crush Saga just got a massive game update. Now they added an additional game world and 65 brand new levels. That means you're probably not going to be working a lot for a while. The update adds a new game mode, Dreamwor...
New Grand Theft Auto V Sold $800 Million On Its First Day
Grand Theft Auto V released on Tuesday and it sold like hot cakes. It made an estimated $800 million in 24 hours and it was a larger first day record than any movie, game or album ever released. Blockbuster movies don't even come close. Not even the...
Infinity Blade III Available For Download In Apple's App Store
Infinity Blade III is now out. Made to showcase the iPhone 5S' capabilities during Apple's recent iPhone event, you can now download it from the app store. The release comes hours before the scheduled release of iOS 7, which should become available ...
Infinity Blade III Was Built For Your iPhone 5S
There was just one company outside of Apple who showcased their work on stage at the new iPhone 5S unveiling. It was part of a live gameplay demo of Infinity Blade III. The franchise has been downloaded over 40 million times exceeding $60 million i...
This Is The List Of Xbox One Launch Games
Microsoft has confirmed the Xbox One's launch line up. There are over twenty games to choose from. Here's their list:Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts)Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward, Activisio...
Humans Have Been Playing Board Games For 5,000 Years Already
Even our ancestors had to find something to pass their time with. Found in a tomb near Siirt in southeast Turkey, archaeologists believe they have found the oldest gaming tokens dating back to 5,000 years. The set is made up of 49 small, carved ston...
Play Games On Your PC With The Xbox Controller In 2014
You can forget about playing games on your keyboard because the Xbox one controller is going to work with your computer. It'll work fine with your PC after a software update in 2014. Microsoft told Penny Arcade that it's because of the overhaul in t...
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