This Corkscrew Laser Technique Could Be The Answer To Unlimited Bandwidth (Video)
Data transmission usually rely on two dimensional signals to carry information. The problem with this is that there's only so much potential bandwidth to go around. But if a third plane was added, that could potentially create a sidestep in that te...
NASA Will Use Lasers To Improve Earth-Space Communication (Video)
Communication from Earth to space and back is handled by radio frequency signals. But as our exploration expands, we'll need a better means of communication. So NASA is going to implement its Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD). The agenc...
This New Cancer Killing Technique Involves Nanoparticles and LASERS
Scientists are taking the fight with cancer up a notch. This time, they're going to be using lasers and nanoparticles. New techniques from the researchers at the University of Georgia almost seem futuristic. In an experiment, the researchers sent an...
Scientists Levitated A Diamond Particle With A Laser Beam (Video)
A tractor beam of sorts is in the works. That tiny prick of light you see above is a speck of diamond dust trapped in the grip of a laser beam. Researchers are on their way to understanding macro and quantum physics. The researchers at the Unive...
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