Check Out The Funniest Startup Videos Here [VIDEO]
Startup videos. It is a fun thing to watch. Sometimes it can be a handful of cliches. And while that's not true for every startup, the following resisted using common tropes. Check them out below: 1. Bebo Michael Birch and his wife Xochi sol...
Other Than Likes and Followers, What Will Advertisers Get With Instagram Ads?
Have you seen any Instagram ads yet? It has been about a month since they first launched it. It turns out, the companies behind the ads have been reaping some benefit already. But what is the value proposition here? Curalate is a company working wit...
Tesco Will Use Face Scanners to Target More Effective Ads
Tesco is adding a new ad-targeting software to their 450 stations in the UK to scan consumers' faces and then feed them customized ads based on their age and gender. The advertising company behind the idea is trying to put a positive spin on it sayi...
How an Illegal Streaming Pirate Makes Money from Pirating Stuff
If you download a torrent, you're basically not paying for shit, which is part of the appeal. But there's definitely money to be made off sharing stuff for free, right? Otherwise why would anyone do it? Torrentfreak sat down with a professional pir...
Outdoor Advertising Could Change If The Next iPhone Includes NFC (Video)
NFC has long evaded the iPhone, but maybe not anymore. And with it, outdoor advertising could experience the change it's been looking for, for a long time coming. Outdoor advertisers will have the license to try out some interactive advertising ...
New Patent Suggests That Google Glass Will Know When You Look At Ads
As if the device couldn't get any creepier or more intrusive. According to a newly published patent, Google Glass may be equipped with a gaze-tracking head-mounted device that will measure how users feel when looking at ads.This gaze-tracking system...
Gap Is Buying Up All Of Tumblr's Mobile Ads For A Day
Gap is turning to Tumblr to create a "pop culture moment". They issued a call on Tumblr for creators to share, about what "blue" means to them. Blue being the color of Gap's logo and it's signature blue jean. The four winning submissions will be dis...
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