A Quick Guide to Buying Testosterone Tablets in Sweden
Of all the hormones in the male body, testosterone is certainly among the most important. It gives us a helping hand with a lot of different things; these include giving us energy, helping us to build muscle mass when we’re at the gym and it even in...
Blame Your Lack of Testosterone for Your Lack of Hair Everywhere [VIDEO]
Can't seem to grow a hipster beard? You probably don't have high levels of testosterone. This video here explains how it fuels the growth of hair all over your body. The key driver in hair production is really the male sex hormone and the video exp...
This Gene Will Let Athletes Cheat On Drug Tests
Is it in your genes to cheat? Turns out, there is such a thing. Some people are born with a gene that allows them to take steroids but pass traditional tests without the need of any designer agent to mask them. The Daily Mail has a good writeup of t...
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