Science: Where Fat Goes When You Lose Weight
A common misconception and belief most people have when they lose weight, is that fat just gets burned off. Some believe it even gets turned into muscle. But new research published in the British Medical Journal is suggesting otherwise. Burning fat ...
Figure Skaters Absorb 8x Their Own Body Weight [VIDEO]
Figure skating doesn't look easy. Heck, it's not. It puts the body through a lot of strain and stress. So the researchers from Brigham Young University decided to design and build an unobtrusive skate sensor to measure the impact when a figure skat...
The Average Man, Rendered, Visualized and Compared
The man seen on the far left is Todd, the most typical American man based on averages from CDC anthropometric data. The images were rendered by James Hamblin for The Atlantic. The man in the image above is between 30 to 39 and has a BMI of 29 and is...
Lose Weight By Transplanting Skinny People's Poop Could Solve The Obesity Problem
Fecal transplants might sound gross, but they are turning out to be the stuff of great things. The procedure has plenty to give, and after some successful rounds of experimenting, scientists now believe that obesity could be solved by transplanting ...
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