There is no doubt about the popularity of epoxy floors. They have become extremely popular in past couple of years, and the reason behind it is the easy installation as well as it extremely cost effective. Many people are using it for giving classy and fancy looks to their homes as well as offices. 

Epoxy floors are usually popular for garages, but they work for any place. Installing epoxy floors is not a difficult task, but it surely requires some professional techniques. The whole look of the floors and their durability depends on the way you do the installation. 


For installing perfect epoxy floors here are some tips that might help you out.

Clean the floors 
For getting better and finest flooring, the key is to clean everything thoroughly. Make sure that the floors do not contain anything contaminated and dirt particles. If any type of greasy or oily substance is present on the floor clean it out completely and then let it dry. Remember any type of dirt, oily or wet substance are going to affect the durability of the floors. At the ending process, it is recommended to clean the floors with some acid. Usually, citric acid is recommended as it does not use highly concentrated or reactive acid as it might worsen things for you. When you are done with it just wash off the floor with water and let it completely dry off.

Repair the damaged areas
If there are any places on the floor that are damaged or broken you will have to cover it up nicely. Foamy sheet or concrete is used for this purpose. 

Apply Epoxy 
Mix the provided solution thoroughly and then apply immediately. Before applying do not forget to cover the areas with duct tape and then apply the solution. Start with the corners and then cover the middle area. Use roller extender for leveling out the floors. It’s a two-man’s job. One has got to pour the solution and the other one should roll out the floor for avoiding any damage in the floor and smooth results. Check the weather beforehand, if it is going to rain or heavy wind, you should probably postpone the flooring plans. Wind can blow up contamination particles on the floor. If you want to toss in some paint chips, you can do it after applying the whole solution. Some people prefer to add additional designing, and that too is added by doing the first step.    

Let it dry
After doing the whole process, now it time to wait. Usually, these floors dry out in a couple of hours, but it is recommended to leave it overnight. For getting better results to follow the instruction given in the product box. Wait for at least 3 to 4 days before putting stuff on the floor. It is okay to walk on the floor after a night but putting stuff on the floor is going to leave permanent marks on the floor that might result is some damage.

Seek professional help
Installing floors is not a job everyone can do, especially if you haven’t done any job like this before. There are quite high chance that you might end up messing up all the stuff and end up having a crooked floors and lots of money. There are professionals, who are explicitly trained for performing this task and they will do a perfect job in much less money. Epoxy flooring installer provides their services in every town. For hiring them, you might have to contact the nearest hardware shop or the online store for hiring them.