Of course, your bedroom is the place where you can put your head down and get some rest after a long day. But if you are limited for space in your home, your large bedroom can be so much more than your sleeping quarters. Here are unmissable tips you need to make your bedroom ideal for much more than just sleeping!



Add an exercise area so that you can practice your yoga moves

It’s hard to find a place to do some exercise in your home. After all, you need some room if to do some stretches. Therefore, your bedroom would be the perfect place to get fit. For one thing, you could pull out your mat and do some yoga moves next to the bed. You should have enough room to do some of the poses such as downward dog. If you have a TV in your bedroom, you could even put on a yoga DVD which you can follow. And if yoga isn’t your thing, you could even consider adding a treadmill in your bedroom!

Add some book shelves to make it a reading hub

A lot of people love to read in bed. But why not make your bedroom like a mini library by adding some bookshelves in there. You can display your favorite novels in the room. And you could add a chair and get reading in your bedroom. As it’s your sleeping quarters, it will feel like a cozy place where you can enjoy reading. You can even find some bookshelves if you look on sites similar to Feather and Black which will match with the rest of your bedroom furniture!

Look like a million bucks with your own dressing area

It’s always tricky to do your hair and makeup in the bathroom. After all, you might only have a tiny mirror to use to help you look like a million bucks. But if you opt for a dressing area in your bedroom, it will provide a great space where you can get ready. After all, you can get a cute dressing table where you can keep all your makeup and hair essentials. And you will have a mirror to ensure you look fabulous before you leave! With a dressing area, it will feel like you have your own dressing room in your home! You could even opt for a walk-in wardrobe so that you have all your clothes at your fingertips too.

Add a seating with TV area in the room

As much as you and your hubby love to watch TV as a family downstairs, it’s nice to get some alone time. After all, your kids are bound to not want to watch the same programs as you. Therefore, opt for a sofa and a TV in your room so that it’s like you have a mini lounge. You and your other half can cuddle up and watch some TV with some peace and quiet. Just make sure you turn it off at night so that you get some proper rest in your bedroom.

And remember that you can do the above in your guest room. You can still have a bed, but then utilize the rest of the room.

