Whether you’re moving home through necessity or desire, it can be an enormous upheaval for everyone involved. Getting to know the new area, unpacking all your worldly belongings, and even the process leading up to moving can make it all distinctly undesirable, but one thing you can do is make sure you fall in love with your new home.

It’s the opportunity you’ve always been waiting for to get the home of your dreams, so grasp is with both hands and fall in love.


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Choose carefully

There are a whole myriad of factors that have to be considered when you’re buying a house, but this is the perfect time to start your courtship with the home of your dreams. If you have the luxury of time, spend it choosing a home which excites you, in which you can imagine fulfilling your desires and into which you can grow. Don’t settle for second best if you don’t have to. Write a list of everything you want from a house, and categorize those into need and want, and don’t compromise - you don’t want to live to regret it.

Keep it low-stress

Moving house can be ridiculously stressful, with all the planning and organizing, changing legal records, and transferring utilities. Do whatever you can to keep it low stress, and you’ll find your love for your new home isn’t so hard won. Take a few days off work either side of the move to ensure time to finalize plans and time to unpack. Enlist the services of highly-rated moving companies within your local area, and ask for help from friends and family - perhaps in exchange for pizza and wine. You’ll be grateful not to have to go through it all alone and to have people to get excited with.


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Make it beautiful

You have a blank canvas - your house can be everything you ever dreamed of! Don’t expect to redecorate your home within the first six months completely. Even with the best intentions, you have to give yourself some down time after the stress of moving. But make plans which excite you, and start saving for renovation work to make your dream home even more perfect. Small paint jobs, beautiful new furniture, and new flooring are all fantastic ways to get yourself excited about your new home early on, without having to expend too much time and energy. Interesting pieces of art, family photographs, and comfortable soft furnishings will all give a new house a homely vibe, and you’ll fall in love in no time.

Get stuck into the local area

You have a whole new neighborhood to explore, new restaurants and cafes to discover, and new friends to make. Once you feel as though you’ve settled into your new area, your house will feel more like a home. Enjoy the process of exploring; there’s a whole new world of opportunities on your doorstep, so be sure to get stuck in.

Despite the fact that moving house can be stressful and tiring, falling in love with your new home can be a really exciting time, so enjoy it!