Compared to the rest of your home, a garage is oftentimes neglected. You may have redecorated your kitchen, bought a new sofa, a desk or an armchair, but when was the last time you invested in your garage? After all, this space is extremely practical and you rely on it to protect your vehicle and safely store all the tools and items banned from the rest of your home. 

However, if not maintained properly, you will just create a huge mess and get annoyed or even hurt if the things aren’t properly attached or stored. So, here are a couple of smart ways to give your garage the makeover it deserves.


Make it greener
In order to make your garage more environmentally friendly and at the same time more pleasant to be in, think about insulation. Perhaps it’s time you installed some material on the walls, ceiling and the floor, too. This will regulate the temperature and make it easier for you to enjoy the crafts, and it will also diminish your heating bills. A garage that is not properly insulated is one of the main culprits for devouring energy.
In addition, give it a fresh coat of paint. This will immediately liven up the space. Of course, choose a light color, as the space has a limited access to sunlight.

Declutter and donate
Once you get everything out of the garage, you’ll notice just how many (unnecessary) things you have stored in it. The next big project is to decide what goes and what stays. Make a big garage sale, donate to charity, toss away, or do all three. You’re bound to breathe a sigh of relief once all the mess is gone.

Mind the door
The garage door is as important for safety as it is for the general curb appeal. What is more, a malfunctioning door opener is a real bore and gets you annoyed twice a day, every day, minimum. This can be solved by a simple call to your local garage repair service. For instance, garage door repair in Norfolk is available 24/7 and it covers a wide area, whereas garage door repair Garner NC offers a wide choice of new garage doors, too. In short, there is no excuse. 

You can have your door repaired in an instant, improve it by installing some windows to get more light inside, or even buy a brand new one for the maximum effect.

Practical storage systems
The moment has come to put all the things back again into the garage, but this time, they are going to have their own designated spaces. First of all, divide everything into categories: tools, winter/summer clothes, garden tools, sports equipment, and so on. Then, introduce some practical storage units. These can be in the form of a ceiling storage system, garage cabinets, vertical shelves, or even a wall mounted folding workbench with all your tools. Finally, remember to clearly label all the plastic containers, or put a big sign on each wall, such as “Work hard. Play hard” for the wall meant for sports gear. 

If you invest enough effort to do everything from our list, your life is bound to get a lot easier and you’ll definitely feel extremely satisfied about this accomplishment.