Businesses are always looking for ways to increase the workplace productivity of their employees. 

Traditionally, companies have tried things like provide incentives or rewards to employees who exceed expectations. But that still doesn’t make the work environment any more pleasant. 

In the modern age, the amount of satisfaction and happiness that employees feel pertains to what they see around them. 


If office workers are forced to work at desks with cubicles that shut them away from the world, they are not going to be happy or productive, but instead moody and sluggish.
One of the best ways to improve productivity is by implementing some modern office décor ideas into the workplace. These are basically decorations meant to modernize the appearance of the traditional office look. 

That way, employees don’t feel like they’re stuck in an office. Instead, they feel like they’re in a fun work environment where they won’t mind spending long hours. This is how productivity increases.
Check out the following seven modern office décor ideas for improving productivity in your work environment.
1. Openness
As previously stated, employees don’t like to feel confined into tight office spaces. Environments with several cubicles or small office rooms with doors don’t make employees feel happy and enthusiastic. 

To correct this issue, create more openness in the work environment. Reduce the number of doors and focus on larger open spaces. If employees can see more of each other throughout the workday, they will feel like they’re in a team environment rather than an isolated one. 
2. Lighting
Offices need plenty of light. This doesn’t just mean installing more light fixtures in your office. Try to incorporate natural lighting into your office space as well. 

Open the shades or curtains of any existing windows in your environment. Let the natural sunlight shine through. The goal is to eliminate darkness because that makes people feel depressed and sad.
3. Tidiness
Office clutter is not attractive in any form. If you’ve got boxes, files, folders, papers and other office clutter lying around, then you need to clean up the clutter and organise your office better. 

If you don’t have the time to clean it up entirely in one day, you can spend 10 to 20 minutes daily toward cleaning the clutter. Eventually, you will have a clean and organised work environment that will make it easier to get things done.
4. Standing Desks
Office workers spend too much time sitting at their desks, which causes many health problems, especially since they’re not getting enough circulation in their legs. 

One of the newest office décor trends of 2019 is the use of standing desks. Rather than sitting at a desk all day, a person can stand at a desk that is a few feet higher than normal. That way, they get blood circulation in their legs as they work.
5. Local Art
Support your local community by displaying local art on your walls. You can visit local art galleries in your town or city and find artwork that blends well with your office environment. 

Artwork helps make your workplace look unique and interesting. It also gives your employees something attractive to look at throughout the day.  
6. Brand Colours
Every brand has its own special colour scheme that represents the company. Incorporate those brand colours into your office environment. 

Branded colour schemes will make employees feel like they’re not just in any old office, but an environment where they’re part of a specific culture and team. This makes them feel more useful and happier.
7. Plants and Nature
Being cooped up in an office all day can make people miss the outdoors. Although the idea of bringing nature indoors might seem primitive, it is actually a fabulous modern décor idea.

Decor involving indoor horticulture is has become a specialist area of learning for those with the time to do a short course in indoor plant management for use as decor in an office environment.

Decorate your office environment with custom made planter boxes and flowers to make people feel like they’re with nature. 

You can even go a step further by hanging pictures of forests and animals on the walls or putting screensavers and digital wallpaper of natural scenes on your computer screens. Seeing nature has a positive psychological effect on people.

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