Technological advancements make life more convenient, but at the same time, they have made it easier for criminals to get around the safety measures we implement. However, keeping our homes safe is still possible, and surprisingly, in many very simple ways. You don’t need to have every last security device or gadget to keep your property protected, 

Sometimes, just a few simple changes can go a long way to keeping your home safe. Homeowners can go with the professionals to ensure the home is kept safe, or they can make small changes in their routine and around the property to deter break-ins and other problems that may occur due to a lack of security. Small improvements such as installing the correct security hardware, not creating a haven for thieves, and not alerting them of your absence can go a long way in making sure your home is always protected. Continue reading to learn how you can improve your home security measures to keep your home safe.  


Install Security Doors
One of the first things homeowners can do to improve the home’s security is to install security screen doors. Forget the metal doors you may have seen in low-income neighbourhoods, as today’s doors can be customized to fit the taste of the homeowner. Furthermore, these doors allow you to safely open them in summer months when the weather is warmer, and in the spring and early fall, the climate can be a nice alternative to running the air conditioning all day. More importantly, though, the doors are an excellent line of defence against break-ins, so learn how to reinforce your doors to really increase make it hard on criminals.

Landscape For Safety
While shrubbery and foliage can be attractive and can provide shading for you to enjoy your garden, they also can be a haven for would-be thieves. Areas that are darkly lit after hours and have a lot of shrubbery are also places that are attractive to burglars. In fact, any hidden place in the yard can also potentially be a hiding place for thieves.

When landscaping, keep in mind that shrubs and trees can both beautify a yard while giving owners privacy but should also be trimmed so that their height and size do not harbour burglars. Make sure to trim and prune trees and bushes that are near doors and windows to prevent thieves from using them as hiding places. If you must have shrubbery, consider plants that might make it uncomfortable for criminals to hide in, for example, thorny bushes. 

Install Sensors And Cameras
Homeowners can also install, or have installed, sensors and cameras that can both provide light to darkened places on the property and monitor those entering the property. Motion sensors can be a great help and work brilliantly as a guard against unwanted intruders. If coming home late, motion sensors with lights can illuminate the area making it safe to move a vehicle to the door. At the same time, these sensors will place a spotlight on anyone entering the property. Cameras can also be of aid in monitoring the comings and goings of anyone who does not belong to the property.

Do Not Announce Your Absence
There are things that homeowners do that announce to the neighbourhood whether they are at home or not. For example, newspapers, phone books, mail, and unopened packages that sit on the lawn for days alert the entire neighbourhood of your absence. If you are going to be away for more than a day, consider having a neighbour pick up your mail or invest in a post office box so you don’t draw attention.

Best Practices For Simple Security
The best practices for keeping your home secure are also some the simplest. Security doors cost anywhere from less than a hundred to a couple of hundred dollars, and installing a good security system is equally inexpensive. The most inexpensive measures are those that prevent your house from being a target and simply make it unattractive to those who may be looking to burglarize the home.