There's just something about this glorious, tomato-based condiment that makes everything taste better. But is it possible to be addicted to ketchup?


One scary example is this British teen named Melissa (shown above), who chugs approximately 11 times her own body weight of tomato sauce in a single year! And there are plenty of folks just like Melissa who continue to be in denial about this problem. Many rarely seek help until it's much too late.

So how can you tell if your addiction has reached dangerous levels? Is it possible to realize that your addiction is not just harming yourself, but also becoming a treat to others as well?

If any of these traits below relate to your situation, then it's time to put that ketchup bottle down, back away slowly and get the help you need.

You aren't shy about sneaking a sip while out in public

You have packs off them stored away just in case...

In fact, your ketchup hoarding habits are not exactly a secret86e51d1b_ef51_4d10_b238_c336e8cc8e2f.jpg

When out grocery shopping, you really only have one ingredient in mind0827357d_cb31_4728_879c_801cccd9459b.jpg

If you could, you would buy ALL THE KETCHUP for your friends and family

You also can't wait to start your own family so that you can teach your kids about the joys of ketchup

You can't really eat until your food is drowning in the stuff8c6af720_7d7c_4cf4_8200_c5c6303d318c.jpg

Because in your mind, there is no such thing as TOO MUCH ketchup

You're the kind of the person who has eggs WITH their ketchup, and not the other way round

Ketchup + Ice Cream = BEST DESSERT EVER!

Basically everything can be improved once you put ketchup on it

Instead of cake, you actually prefer having this served during your birthday

And instead of writing holiday cards, you do this...

Forget the Mona Lisa, because this is the only kind of art that you can appreciate

This is about the closest thing to having ketchup running through your veins

If you could bathe in ketchup, you would die a very happy person

You wear this shirt on a daily basis

If you won the lottery, you would splurge it all on this...

And finally, you think that this video is about the funniest thing to have ever existed in the history of internet: