You probably believe certain lifestyle habits to be healthy, but upon further inspection and some research, they actually aren't. Here are some of the 12 healthy habits that aren't actually really healthy at all.

1. Using a standing desk

A recent study found no benefit in terms of overall risk of dying from standing as opposed to standing.

2. Using toilet seat liners

Viruses like HIV and herpes don't survive well outside of the human body. And most harmful pathogens likely wouldn't be able to infect you.

3. Avoiding gluten

Gluten probably doesn't have an effect on you, unless you're the 1% who suffer from celiac disease.

4. Swapping dairy for almond milk

Alternatives to dairy milk have been gaining popularity, and almond milk has been a popular choice. But it practically has no nutrients at all. Opt for soy milk if you're actually looking for a healthier option.

5. Juicing

Juicing removes all the fiber that keeps you feeling full and satisfied until your next meal, so basically, you're not doing yourself any good here.

6. Loading up on Vitamin C to get rid of a cold

It might help a little, but taking too much will make you sick too. The limit for an adult is 2,000 milligrams a day.

7. Ear candling

Putting a lit, cone-shaped candle inside your ear to relief earwax and treating infections is ineffective. It can in fact push wax down deeper into your ear.

8. Taking multi-vitamins

Decades of research has not found any justification for this. We get more than enough of these from what we eat.

9. Avoiding MSG

It's completely safe, but is often associated with symptoms such as numbness at the base of the neck to a general sense of fatigue. You probably ate too much.

10. Avoiding the microwave

Microwaving doesn't rob food of their nutrients. It actually does a better job at keeping the vitamins intact.

11. Eating low-fat foods

An 8-year trial involving 50,000 women found that those on a low-fat plan diet didn't lower their risk of disease, and they also didn't lose much weight either.

12. Cracking your knuckles

Common knowledge stated that knuckle cracking was terrible for your joints, but several new studies suggested that it might be a good indicator that a joint is well lubricated. The inability to crack a joint could be a sign of future problems.