Harvard Girl Creates Mindblowing 3D-Print Makeup You Can Whip Up from Home [VIDEO]

Harvard Business School student Grace Choi may have just disrupted the beauty industry with her creation, a mini home printer, Mink.
For $300, this printer allows anyone to print makeup by ripping the color code off color photos on the Internet. “The makeup industry makes a whole lot of money on a whole lot of bullshit,” Choi said at TechCrunch Disrupt this week. “They charge a huge premium on something that tech provides for free. That one thing is color.”
By this, she means that color printers are available to everyone, and the ink they have is the same ink makeup companies use in their products - this ink is FDA-approved.
In the video below, she demonstrated how it works, and brushed some of the freshly-painted makeup onto her hand. She also answered a lot of tough questions about how she'll move beyond powders to creamier products, and partner with traditional printing companies:
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