Everything You Need to Know About Soundbars
A black soundbar in front of a TV on a wooden TV console.You may have heard of soundbars, or may you have seen one sitting in front of a TV.If you do not know what soundbars are, you are in the right place to learn.Today, we will discuss what a sou...
Ultrasound Shows Baby Clapping in Womb [HAPPY]
Here's one little fella who just can't wait to party, so partying inside the womb is the only option now. Jen Cardinal went for an ultrasound, and while most people don't usually get to see this, her's was very clear. It was so clear, they could see...
This is The Funniest Sound in The World
Need some mid-week lift-me-up? Here's a Vine of the most adorable sound in the world. And it's just ridiculously cute. You could actually listen to this all day long. Well, not all day. Check it out below:
Fifty Shades of Grey's Soundtrack is Getting Sexier and Sexier [VIDEO]
While the book is arguably the worst erotica ever written, the adaptation to film has added something to distract you from remembering that if you've read the book: some really sexy and sultry tunes. Beyonce's Haunted: The Weeknd's Earned It: Ellie...
Super Cool Ad Campaign Uses Interactive Ink to Play Music When Touched [VIDEO]
Remember The Sound of Taste? Well Grey London have outdone themselves by launching this new campaign for U.K. herb and spice brand Schwartz, 'Feel Flavour'. This impressive new interactive campaign is a Bluetooth-enabled 'sonic' poster that uses...
Girl Makes Up Words Showing How Languages Sound Like to Non-Speakers [VIDEO]
Finn-Swede smoccahontas isn't really speaking any language in this video. It only sounds like it. She made up most of the words and make it sound pretty real. How does a language sound like to people who don't speak it? Check out the video:
Listen to The Sounds Of Women’s Curling [VIDEO]
Curling is all the rage now, thanks to the Winter Olympics. If you thought the concept of it was strange, just wait till you hear the "sounds of curling" instead. The excitement in the screams are pretty fantastic! Kounter Klockwise put together ...
Trippy Willy Wonka Remix Sounds Better than Original Movie [VIDEO]
Pogo is famous online for his impressive remixes of popular movies and TV shoes. He uses only the music, sounds, and noises from each specimen to create an entirely new piece of art and music. This time, he remixed the original Willy Wonka film t...
Your Computer Mouse Might Be Giving Cats Seizures
This has to be the worse news since we found out about Keyboard Cat's death. New feline research from the UK claims that things like pen clicking, fingernail biting, cutlery dropping, and mouse clicking may trigger seizures in cats.The research bega...
These Dubbed Stock Videos Are HILARIOUS [VIDEO]
This compilation of stock videos have been dubbed with sound, and the results are insanely hilarious. Getty stock videos used by producers are without sound, and this is the best reason why. Watch it below:[Buzzfeed]
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