Lorde's "Royals" Gets The Puppy Treatment
It's a dog eat dog world. But even if you aren't living the celebrity life, at least you can enjoy watching these puppies cover Lorde's hit single "Royals."
Dogs Saying 'I Love You' Will Make Your Day [VIDEO]
Add this to your list of reasons why owning a dog rocks! This video compilation features more than 3 minutes of dogs barking their love for their human masters (and doggie treats): [H/t Gothamist]
'Dogs With Eyebrows' Are The Perfect Combination
You'd have to be pretty dead inside not to smile at these furry-eyed pups. This latest pet trend is spreading like wildfire over at reddit. View a couple more pics below:
Celebrate Winter With This Sledding French Bulldog (Video)
If you're prepping for the winter season, then you might want to watch clip to help beat those winter blues. While this pup might look a little soft (no thanks to that puppy parka and booties), he pretty much just made that hill his own personal bi...
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