Do It Yourself Electrical Projects Are Dangerous
It can be tempting to want to handle a simple circuit upgrade or fix a blown wall socket. It may seem like a waste of money to call an electrician to repair the problem for you. However, when you take on an electrical problem in your house without p...
5 Common Residential Electrical Risks and How to Handle Them
Every homeowner experience simple electrical mistake that sometimes leads to serious electrical problems like fire or electrocution. With modern houses’ reliance on electricity, there are potential hazards that arise. We would like to explore change...
Musician Turns Birds on Electric Lines into Musical Notes [VIDEO]
Brazilian musician Jarbas Agnelli was inspired to see birds on electrical wires to make a song. So he takes pictures of them and replaces them with exact musical notes in their positions to come up with this musical piece. Give it a listen below: ...
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