What Does The "Fat Free" Nutrition Label Actually Mean?
We know what you do in food aisles: You look at stuff with 'fat free' labels slapped onto it and think "Ah, it must be healthy! Hello weight loss!" But you couldn't be further than the truth.The reality is that these 'fat free' foods actually have f...
Internet Pets and Instagrams We Love: Yogurt the Pirate Dog
Instagram pet stars are a pleasure to 'follow', especially when they look different from every other regular, fluffy, big-eyed, cute, lazy pet. Here is Yogurt the Pirate Dog. This 5-year old chihuahua doesn't need two eyes to win your heart over. ...
Disney's Cruella De Vil Gets Her Own Live-Action Movie
Finally, a movie that celebrates one of the most stylish Disney villains of all! Sources report that the puppy-hating, fur-loving Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians will be getting her own live-action film adaptation titled 'Cruella'. According to ...
Epic Job Resignation Uploaded to YouTube [VIDEO]
Resigning from a job usually requires just a letter. But writer Marina Shifrin resigned in the most stylish manner ever. This video uploaded to YouTube shows Shifrin busting a move to Kanye West's "Gone" while alone in her office at 4.30am. Her re...
Barbie Gets an LED Dress
Barbie is getting in on the LED-dress fashion trend. Kids can now tap on it to change its colors. The only problem with this? Barbie won't be able to change out of her dress, since the 4.5 inch touch panel and 114 tri-color LEDs are embedded in her ...
Naked Dude Tries To Chat Up Random Girls On The Street (NSFW) [VIDEO]
Where would YouTube be without prank videos? But this particular prankster might have taken things way too far by exposing his junk. Aptly titled "Naked Guy Picking Up Girls", it's pretty much just a video featuring clips of a naked Norwegian man n...
Artist Draws Awesome Portraits on Her Thighs
Who needs drawing pads when you have your thighs to create art on? Visual arts student Jody Steel found her thighs an efficient surface on which to take notes during class. She said the desk tops were too small, "not to mention that my legs are as p...
Photographer Captures Pregnant Couples Sleeping Together
Pregnant women find different ways of sleeping, which affects their partner's sleeping positions in bed sometimes. The non-pregnant partners have to be more mindful of the protruding belly, thus having a much worse time sleeping. However it could ...
Tina Fey is an Albanian Refugee in 'Girls' Spoof for SNL [VIDEO]
Tina Fey opened Saturday Night Live's 39th season with musical guest Arcade Fire. But one of the episode's more interesting highlights was a digital short spoof of Girls that focuses on the major characters' self absorption with the introduction o...
Fans Of White Wine Drink Way Too Much Of The Stuff
If you prefer chardonnay over red, then you may risk your cup runneth over. According to researchers from Iowa State University, sipping on white wine might make you end up drinking more of the stuff.For the study, participants were ordered to pour ...
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