Top Tamil Songs
Music greatly helps improve people's mental health and as well as their physical health. Music lessons can help increase our IQ and keep minds active, especially with age. With the World Wide Web, music is now available to all the fans wherever they...
What are the upcoming Telugu songs?
The official language of India is Hindi, but if we talk about the commonly speak the language; they used to talk in their mother language. Therefore, they have different entertainment industries and produce feature films, dramas, and theater in thei...
Why Telugu songs are famous?
The language of any nation is the very first thing that used for communication, and there are hundreds of languages in the world that are speaking in different countries. Here we are going to discuss specifically Telugu, as this language is the seco...
Guess The Kpop Song by The Stage Outfits
How good are you at knowing all your Kpop songs and bands? Can you guess the song by the stage outfits? Take the quiz below:
13 Songs That Will Most Definitely Make You Horny
In the mood for some lovin'? Get in the mood for it if you aren't with these 13 songs. Guaranteed to light up some sparks and fuel your passion. In other words, guaranteed to make you ready for some humpin'. Check it out:1. “Skin” — Rihanna2. “Somed...
Here Are All The 25 Important Questions Asked by Popular Songs
Some of the most important questions, have already been asked by popular songs. Some of them are even quite ridiculous. But they're still questions. Do they have the answers too, we wonder? Check out some of the questions in the list below:
This is a Song For Anyone Who Has Attractive Friends [VIDEO]
The majority of us aren't the 'hot friend' in our group. I mean, we're decent. We look pretty good. But we're not, show-stopping hot. But that's okay. Sometimes, you don't want to be that hot anyway. Here's a song for anyone who has attractive frien...
This Teenager Is Making Mash-Up Songs Really Awesome Right Now [VIDEO]
Andy Wu is a master of mash-ups. His latest is Taylor Swift's 'Perfect Fight Song' and it really is good! So much that his previous work is now getting some attention too. It also looks like Andy seems to like mashing up Taylor Swift's songs. Check...
Listen To The "Thinking Out Loud" and "I'm Not The Only One" Mashup [VIDEO]
What if you put Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith together in one song using their respective hit songs? You get this really beautiful mashup. Check out this video by Sam Tsui featuring Casey Breves.
Top 33 Pop Songs Of 2014 Covered In 3 Minutes [VIDEO]
Here's film maker Eric Thayne teaming up with musicians Ashley Hess, David Osmand and James Curran to summarize the year in the best pop songs from 2014. Are these the best 33 songs of the year? What do you think? Check out the video below:
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