
First, you need to be positive for your pregnancy. According to researches, it has been considered that an unwanted pregnancy becomes a reason of depression in women. If you are the one who was not prepared for the pregnancy either mentally or financially then you must understand that you are going to deliver a child (a new life). 

What is the mistake of that child why he has to suffer for your mistake? Just remember one thing that if you are giving birth then it must be healthy and normal. Make yourself positive towards pregnancy and say thanks to God for this lovely gift.

Pregnancy is duration of nine months in which you need to be very careful about your health and nutrition. During this situation a woman can’t handle all the things with herself. She needs support of her husband to share her feelings, problems and needs. Women must be prepared to adapt all the changes like weight gain and body aches. It has been come that most of the women come in depression during pregnancy just because they don’t look attractive like before.

Well, let me clear one thing that pregnancy is not a period of whole life rather it is period of nine months. After this duration you will able to see you back as you were before. Over weight can be reduced but don’t take stress because once you have lost your child you will not able to get it back. There are many cosmetic creams available that can remove your stomach scars after pregnancy but no one will help you to get back your child.

You are the mother and you have taken responsibility to introduce a new life in this world. During this period you need to do such things which can make you happy and keep you away from the depression. What things you can do to reduce depression during pregnancy. The best one is to join yoga classes that are especially made for pregnant women. Here, you can share and discuss your feeling with other expecting women. This sharing can help you to overcome some worse situations. Another side, you can join cooking classes where you can learn recipes of health food during pregnancy.

As becoming mother make you self happy because your happiness will bring a healthy child for you. Do you want an abnormal baby? No, any mother would not able to see her child abnormal. So keep smiling and all the best for your pregnancy.


Jason Xu is a feature writer at He specializes in health, business, entrepreneurship, technology and social media trends.