
New technology usually creates a following of those who are for and those who are against it. There always seems to be the purists who think the old ways are better. They often forget though that new technology doesn’t mean necessarily replicating the old outputs. On the contrary, it allows you to create so much more. It’s the same with Moody Lightroom Presets.

Before Moody Lightroom Presents - The Purist Approach

Of course some might argue that Lightroom mobile presets replace the art of photography. They might believe that it’s important for you to physically do the editing yourself with, for example, Photoshop. Whilst they’re not wrong, do you think they could walk into a dark room and adjust and develop traditional photographic film? Some might but the majority wouldn’t be able to. How far do you want to take the purist approach?

What’s Your Purpose for Moody Lightroom Presets?

Let’s not forget our purpose though. Whether we like it or not, technology is constantly evolving and others won’t be hesitating to leverage everything they can. Depending on why you are using Lightroom Mobile presets, you can gain a huge advantage. Perhaps you want better quality for your clients or for your blogs or simply, for your own memories. It can take years to learn the art of photography. On the other hand, Lightroom mobile presets give you a solid foundation from which to start from.

This doesn’t mean that you can't learn the building blocks of editing. It does mean though, that you can be creative so much more quickly. You can produce photos you’ve never dreamed of before. In addition, you can tweak and play with designs and approaches like no traditional photographer could ever have done previously. Paradoxically, you’ll learn so much more because of your ongoing trial and error experience thanks to Lightroom mobile presets.

Why Moody Lightroom Presets

There are so many reasons as to why you should use Lightroom mobile presets, which we’ll detail below, and here is a summary of the most important points:

Stand Out
Develop your Style


Your mobile allows you to take ‘on-the-go’ shots with people in their natural state without the need for long set-ups. This means that there is more room for error when it comes to lighting and contrast. However, with Lightroom mobile presets, you don’t have to worry about any of this. You can focus on the important stuff such as the design of the photos or the style of the subject matter. All this with the confidence that you are producing quality output.


Editing can take hours, sometimes even days, depending on what you’re trying to do. With Lightroom mobile presets, editing is done for you with a few simple clicks and, what’s more, you can easily edit your photos in batches. Sometimes it feels like you need a phD to master some of the commercially available software but not for Lightroom mobile presets. The hard work is done for you leaving you time to be creative. Imagine what you can do with all the extra time you save? Perhaps take more photos?

Stand Out

Some might argue that Lightroom mobile presets will make you blend with the crowd because everyone uses the same tool. Far from it, you can be as unique as you want because you can fully customize Lightroom mobile presets. They are also available at very affordable prices. The extra added bonus is that it’s very easy to work with Lightroom mobile presets. You can expect everything to be done in just a few simple clicks.


These days it’s all about branding and making sure your audience knows who you are and what you stand for. People often judge this through photos because they are such powerful visual cues. It’s so much easier to show what’s important to you through pictures such as, for example, being professional and coherent. On the other hand, a disjointed array of photos potentially says “disorganized and careless”.

Develop Your Style

Lightroom mobile presets allow you to get the basics right without having to worry about them. You can therefore spend more time testing different combinations and various styles. Perhaps you can even blend styles or simplify them? You can be as versatile as you like and play around to your heart’s content. Once you know your style then of course you can be consistent with it or change it as you evolve. It’s really completely up to you. So, be creative, be different and be yourself.
Don’t Hesitate to Use Lightroom Mobile Presets

Whether you’re an expert or a beginner photographer, you should not be in any doubt as to whether Lightroom mobile presets can help you. You’ll deliver quality photos and differentiate yourself in no time at all. With practice, you’ll become increasingly creative allowing you to add fun, edge and zing to your photos.