Identifying a need, a niche, a sphere is the first step in building your brand or business. It’s essential to tap into your vision of how you can best serve your clients in a way that nobody else can.

Intrinsic to this mission is connection, and there is no more profound connection than the deep human resonance of shared experience.

Everything about your journey has value; the victories, the failures, the struggles, the moments where your resilience, forged in the humility of challenges not surpassed, asserted itself. People seek identification in their products and brands of choice.


But they hunger, evolutionarily and instinctually, for connection.

Ahavel Aborishade is a business leader, tech aficionado and an emerging entrepreneur in the technological world. Focusing on building a better future for people of all walks of life, Ahavel uses her passion for technology and community to create nuanced applications that enliven daily experiences. Here, she explores how to link your brand with a story for business success:

Your Individuality Is Your Lightning Rod
The electricity of this basic human need is everywhere around us, in everyone we meet. Continually seeking, searching, probing for that which excites, delights, is recognizable because of the things that they have gone through, seen, experienced.

Your personal narrative is your ultimate business hack to profound, immediate loyalty in your client base.

Beyond Branding Lies Loyalty
Corporations spend untold millions on rewards programs, advertising, and fabricated personas for social media accounts in a vain attempt to humanize themselves, to feign the personification of humanity.

You have a tremendous advantage over them. Your story is real. Clients can sense the disingenuous from a mile away. A large corporation will never be able to tap into the visceral emotion, the steel-forged bond, two human beings feel when they connect via recognized shared experience.

Step, Fearless, Into Your Opportunity
“I'm passionate about embracing the continually evolving promise of the technological world and creating practical, impactful change that enriches the lives of all in some fashion or another,” shared Ahavel Aborishade.

“Looking to the horizon, I'm excited about the relationships I have yet to establish, the shared ventures that wait just out of sight, just around the next bend. My work ethic, my optimism, my value system in this world: Who I am is not separable from the work I do, and this understanding informs every decision I make.”

Crack Open the Door, and Watch Them Walk Through
Today's modern marketplace is flooded with repetitive, analytics-driven tactical marketing. Algorithms are trying to predict the behavior of other algorithms, an echo of an echo, a copy of a copy of a copy.

Your lifelong clients are out there. Perpetually scanning, waiting, wishing for that one thing millions of years of evolution has taught us all we need most once our basic physical needs are met.

True connection. And it's as close as your willingness to incorporate, in everything you do with your business and brand, your story of you.