Cancer is painful. It's intimidating, and it rinses you of all the positivity in your life. In other words, cancer is butt-ugly.

Much awareness has been raised for the many types of cancers known to mankind. One of the more common cancer campaigns raise awareness for breast cancer. The British Pancreatic Cancer Action organization decided they needed to make a point and get more attention. Unfortunately they churned out, what appears to be, the worst disease awareness ad campaigns of all time.

"I wish I had breast cancer," says a woman. "I wish I had testicular cancer," says a man.

The ads haven't been well-received by cancer sufferers, survivors, or loved ones of people with non-pancreatic cancers. The head of PCA has, of course, defended the ad's tagline, which will soon be featured in print ads in tube stations, newspapers and other printed media, that encourage people to get screened.

Watch the ad below: