Deciding what you want to do for a career isn't easy. There's a lot of pressure from a young age to choose what you want to be when you grow up. Some people want a job they love, while others will settle for something they don't mind, as long as it allows them time to do what they love.

If you're lucky, you might get to turn a passion into your career. Makeup is something that a lot of women love and feel proficient at. Not all of them think they can take it to a professional standard, however. If makeup is what you love, and you want to go professional, this guide can help you.

Michel Ozimo

Learn the Craft

Before you can go out and have a career in anything, you have to learn the tricks of the trade. You might be adept at applying your friends' makeup, but that doesn't mean you have what it takes to do it for a living. You're going to have to build your skills and perhaps gain some qualifications. Attending a beauty school or a course that will help you develop your skills is a good place to start. It's possible to learn on your own, but remember that applying makeup is a practical skill. It can be a lot easier to pick up the right techniques if you have someone right there to show you.

Find Your Specialty

There are lots of ways you can work in makeup. Skilled makeup artists are needed in a number of areas, from fashion to stage and TV. Deciding what sort of makeup you love will help you decide which path to take. You might enjoy the creativity of getting to design elaborate things for plays and dance productions. Perhaps you want to create dramatic runway looks or elegant designs for movies. It's a good idea to narrow your focus somewhat; however, try not to limit yourself too much. Stay open to doing a variety of things so that you can find work wherever it's available.

Connect with Other Artists

When you work in any creative industry, networking with others is essential. You can never work entirely alone, and you can learn a lot from others. There are several ways you can find other artists to meet and communicate with. Using your phone, you can try new artists networking app Talnts. You can attend networking events for creatives in your area and meet new people in the industry. Networking with others can give you opportunities to learn new things, as well as help you find work. You never know when someone might need a makeup artist and will come to you before advertising the job.

Build a Portfolio

Whether you want to be self-employed or find a permanent employer, you should have a portfolio of your work. Building one can take you a long time so many artists won't jump straight into working full-time. Once you have a decent amount of work to show people, you should keep it updated too.

Not just anyone can be a makeup artist. It takes skill and dedication, but if you want it, you should try for it.