After love, trust is the basic necessity for a relationship to sustain which when broken, a person has a right to trace and track and gain peace of mind by confirming about the loyalty of their partners. Infidelity is an increasingly common issue between couples which is the major reason of break offs.

But this could be avoided. The warning signs of infidelity are insignificant and not so catchy so as to not create suspicion like staying late for work at the office and leaving again extremely early in the morning, making time for friends a lot more than what they used to be etc. But if this continues more than usual then it is absolutely normal for a loving but suspicious partner to further investigate and confirm the issue with their partner. But do you think a cheating partner, when confronted, would easily accept the blame? No, I am sure not. So what is the other option?


Checking call log of the Smartphone of the cheating partner is a good place to start. Excessive calls to a specific number and equal number of incoming from the same number can be reason enough to be suspicious of the activities of your spouse. But again phone lookup to your partner Smartphone, especially if he/she is cheating, can be quite a tricky job as they tend to keep their Smartphone devices very much close to themselves.

Spy apps:

The best solution for this minor problem is installing an app in the device of the significant cheating other without their knowledge. Once the software is up and running, the user only has to access the interface provided by the app and you have complete access to all the activities on your spouses device.

Some of the features of such a spy app are as follows:

•    Access to the call logs i.e. the incoming and outgoing calls made from your spouse’s mobile phone.
•    Reading the messages sent and received from and to the device of the cheating spouse
•    Some special apps can create a boundary like for the target device which when is crossed by the spouse; it sends an instant alert to the user of the spy app.
•    These spy apps also keep a watch on the web activities of the target device. So if the cheating spouse is accessing sites on the internet which he or should not be accessing, the other half is instantly notified.
•    Some apps also provide a particular feature where the user of the spy app can remotely enables the camera of the target phone and click pictures. Not only that, it can also access the phone to activate the microphone of the target device and listen to the conversations happening in the surroundings of the phone.
•    As this information is available on the internet, one can access it anywhere on the go. Another thing is that these apps are undetectable and so they cannot be noticed by the user of the target device and hence they will never know it’s working to send information to the remote server.
•    These apps can also access deleted messages off the target device. So if your spouse believes that once his/her messages are deleted, they are safe as no one would know of their deeds, they are highly mistaken.
•    These apps are not restricted to a specific type of Smartphone but can be used in nearly all the advanced forms of devices available today. The whole process of downloading and installing the app takes less than 10 minutes after which you can log into the URL provided by the software customer care and lay your hands on all the information you want and gain the peace of mind you were searching for.