Just about everyone has tips about getting in shape, but no one has really explored what it feels like once you start taking exercise seriously.

So how do you know if all your hard work has paid off? Here are things that will inevitably happen once you start getting serious about getting in shape:

None of your old clothes will fit anymore

Depending on your bank account, this can either be a good or bad thing.

Dealing with dirty laundry no longer fazes you

Because if you don’t deal with it, you risk everything you own smelling like sweat.

Your new level of energy knows no bounds

Heavy things will feel so much lighter, and you're able to climb flights of stairs without feeling winded.

You’re never NOT hungry

Blame it on your super-speedy metabolism.

You will actually start to crave healthy food...

You no longer just stuff your face with whatever is available, but you also won't feel guilty about treating yourself to something yummy every once in awhile.

Your healthy habits have started to rub off on everyone around you

Those people who used to snicker behind your back about your workout habits are now actually asking you for advice.

You really pay attention to your body

Get ready to be introduced to muscles and veins that you never even knew existed!

Your skin hasn’t looked this good since you were in elementary school

Regularly working up a sweat has really helped to clear up those clogged pores

Your sex life levels up!

The combination of endorphins and new-found body confidence results in the best sex of your goddamned life.

You no longer feel "clogged up"
Eating right and working out has really done wonders to your bowel movements.

Your brain gets a boost
You're now walking proof that physical activity really does have a measurable impact on your mental acuity.

Your sleeping habits are like clockwork
There's nothing like going to bed after an exhausting day of working out. And if you do get a little less sleep than usual, you know how to fix it (eating healthy, drinking more water, etc)

You are now officially a morning person

Because the only way you're going to exercise today is to get everything else done first.

You're no longer bothered with feeling a little sore after a good workout

That surprisingly satisfying feeling really just means that you're activating all the right muscles.

You no longer dread working out

Exercise no longer seems like a chore because you legitimately enjoy it.