Fashion's loudest misogynist is at it again, and this time he's being sued by a French organization that advocates for the rights of plus-sized women (proving that yes, there are curvy ladies in France).


The organization known as ‘Belle, Ronde, Sexy et je m’assume’ (Beautiful, Round, Sexy and Okay With It) filed a complaint at the prosector's office in Charente-Maritime region of south-western France. According to its president Betty Aubriere, they are accusing Lagerfeld of making "defamatory and discriminatory comments" after Lagerfeld appeared on an episode of 'Le Grand 8' in early October.

During the episode, Lagerfeld proclaimed that "the hole in social security, it's also [due to] all the diseases caught by people who are too fat." He also took an opportunity to repeat his favorite mantra, "Nobody wants to see round women on the catwalk."

It's a pretty ironic thing given that Lagerfeld admits that he guzzles Diet Coke like there's no tomorrow. We're guessing it's acceptable to him as long as you're not eating anything else and still look skinny. But Lagerfeld forgets that he didn't always look like the smartly dressed zombie that he is today...
