
Are you in the midst of planning an event for your company and brand? You’ve probably worked out many of the details, and you’ve probably set your goals as well. But there’s another crucial detail which can have a tremendous effect on your corporate event’s success, and it may come as a surprise to you, but it matters. We’re talking, of course, about your event playlist. If you have ever attended a conference which was awkwardly silent, then you know exactly what we mean. If you don’t have a good playlist, your event or conference can quickly turn drab and boring, and you may not even know why. The ideal playlist for your event or conference can set the vibe and mood, and it can encourage your audience to become more excited. Here, then, is how to create the ideal playlist for your upcoming corporate event or conference.

• Say it with a lot of energy

There are songs which can pump up the level of energy in many people, and these are often high-energy, contagious songs which people can’t help liking. Infectious songs and hits can add to the level of enthusiasm of your audience, especially during breakout sessions and discussions. Some examples of high-energy songs include Uptown Funk, by Mark Ronson, Happy, by Pharrell Williams, Shake it Off, by Taylor Swift, and even Roar, by Katy Perry. 

• Don’t forget the classic hits 

Of course, not everyone appreciates contemporary hits, so sprinkle in a dash of the oldies but goodies as well. There are some classic hits which many of your participants can certainly appreciate, especially if your audience is comprised of individuals with different age groups. Some hits with timeless appeal – and which are great for any event or conference include Don't Stop Believin’, by Journey, Walking on Sunshine, by Katrina and the Waves, and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, by Diana Ross.

• Incorporate it into your event theme

If you have a theme for your event or conference (and it's highly recommended that you do!), then it would be wise to incorporate your playlist into your theme as well. A good playlist that ties in with your overall theme can engage your audience and boost their enthusiasm and make your event look and feel more cohesive. But when you have a theme, make sure it is entirely consistent, not just with your playlist, but also with your décor, your dining options (if any), your activities, and more. Whilst you may think some songs may be a bit on the silly side, they do work – and you’ll see their effect once your audience starts loosening up. 

• Make use of a special song to introduce speakers 

You can also make use of a special song to introduce your speakers; this will help alert the participants and audience and let them know to pay attention to your stage once again, as confirmed by expert event planning and AV hirecompanies like Presentation Service Providers Ltd. You have two options with this: you can either choose a single song and use it for all your speakers, and this can let your audience know that it's time to pay attention and go back to their seats, or you can let your event speakers choose their songs. Whilst this may be more difficult, logistically speaking, it adds more personality and uniqueness to your event as well.