
Humans come in all shapes and sizes, but there is a specific set of life challenges that you encounter when you are a vertically challenged woman. Here are a few problems us shorties (5'2 and below) have to deal with on a regular basis:

1. Long dresses/tunics/tops are much harder to pull off without looking like you're drowning in fabric

2.  You have to spend extra to make sure your pants fit just right

3. Wearing heels becomes a necessity and not just an option

4. Your feet are constantly dangling when sitting on anything

5. Reaching for the top shelf will always require some serious acrobatics

6. When someone returns your car, they always seem to forget to re-adjust the driver's seat

7. Your boyfriend's back will suffer from all that leaning in while trying to kissing you

8. You're always "cute", which can be incredibly frustrating when you want to be taken seriously

9.  If you're not in front of photos, you might as well not be in them at all

10. People are constantly wanting to pick you up to show off their strength

11. People like to tell you you’re short, as if you're unaware

12. Standing next to tall people makes you feel like a child

13. People look down on you. Literally.

14. Your head often gets mistaken for an armrest

15. When you do meet someone shorter than you, you feel slightly resentful because being little has always been your thing!