Everyone's got a lookalike. So does Taylor Swift. And Keitra Jane looks exactly like her twin! But instead of capitalizing on it with a career in impersonation, she's actually up to some good, just like Taylor. Check it out:


The girl in the photos is~actually~ Keitra Jane. She’s a junior at the University of Utah and a dead ringer for Taylor Swift.


The psychology major says she’s stopped all the time and asked for autographs. “My favorite was at Disney World. I took pictures with a lot of younger children and parents asked me not to reveal that I wasn’t Taylor.”


The 21-year-old’s gained thousands and thousands of Instagram followers — but she’s actually doing something worthwhile with all of her Swift-related fame.


“My goal is to work in the medical field with people who struggle with body dysmorphia and the behaviors that come with it




“I just got a message on Instagram from somebody who asked me to be in their wedding because their boyfriend loves Taylor Swift!”


“I just want to help others. I recognize that I need to focus and get a good education if I want to be of the best help possible. Combined with my personal experience with disordered eating I think that I could be a powerful voice — and it’s nice to have a platform right now to do that!”
