If you're planning on making it official with your partner anytime soon, then here's some advice - do what these people do:

Picture Perfect Proposal

Watch as this couple's perfect proposal moment get captured forever.

Life's a beach in 'family' proposal

Alex knew that Olga was the woman for him, and wanted to step up and be a dad to her two-year-daughter Eva. He decided to take them to the beach, where an awesome sandcastle awaited with messages for them both.

Soccer Proposal

The guy first pretends to take a fall with an apparent serious knee injury, and when she runs over, he suddenly flips up before getting down on one knee.

Cupcake Proposal

Because there's nothing more romantic than a man declaring that he loves you "more than cupcakes".

Plane Crash Proposal

  It takes a lot of guts to pull this off. What started out as a sunny day in the skies seemingly take a turn for the worse when the flight controls start acting up. But at least she gets to keep her life while gaining a fiance.

Meme Proposal

This is one of the most genuinely adorable proposal videos we've ever seen. His memes are perfect, and the whole production is heightened by his obvious nerves.

Downtown Disney Flashmob Proposal

It would be foolish to label this "just another flashmob proposal." The dancers in this video are extremely talented, and it takes place in the wonderful world of Disney.

Live Lip-Dub Proposal

Imagine being surrounding by 60 of your closest friends and family to produce this tear-jerking "lip dub" proposal. The girlfriend's reactions alone make this video worth watching.

Disneyland Musical Marriage Proposal

I've got to give this guy some props. In the middle of Main Street in Disneyland, he pulls out all the stops and performs a musical proposal for his girlfriend.

Movie Theater Marriage Proposal

Major points for originality. Matt convinces girlfriend Ginny to catch a movie with his brother, before the trailers reveal everything.

A Romantic Proposal on a Dock in Oregon

Sometimes, a beautiful backdrop is all it takes to get a yes. There's no denying that the emotion in this video will pull on anyone's heart strings.

Home Depot Marriage Proposal

It's not everyday you get ambushed by a flash mob filled with family, friends and cartwheeling girls in pink tutus during a casual trip to the construction store.

Epic Internet-Based Proposal

To pop the question, redditor SirTechnocracy (real name Malcolm Collins) posted an album to r/AdviceAnimals with the intention of proposing online "through art commissioned from 18 artists." So cute.