So your man likes you enough to put a ring on you, and all your friends are très happy for you. But there will always be one or two sour grapes in the bunch, and you know she's going to smile with gritted teeth when you announce your engagement and show off your ring.

Everyone has different ideas about how an engagement ring should look like, or how it should be of a certain grade, size, shape or weight. Here are some of the judgmental things your unhappy-happy friends are saying about your engagement ring:

1. "That's not even one carat. What is that, like a 0.15?"
But it's okay, you love it, right? Snooty bitch!

2. "Well it's ABOUT TIME!"
When you're the one who's been a super long-term relationship, everyone will expect you to get engaged. But because you've been with your S.O. for so long, it may or may not appear to be as exciting for everyone who has anticipated it.

3. "HuffPo says diamonds are a waste of money."
Your penny-wise friends who believe that your S.O.'s savings would have been better put to use on a downpayment for a home or to save up for life after the wedding might agree to this HuffPo article.

4. "It's ugly."
If what was meant to be a stunner is actually wretched and you know it, please forgive your friend. But if they're just being bitchy then screw 'em. It's your ring and you love it. However, what usually happens is quite the opposite: most of your friends would not tell you if your ring was seriously hideous, until you bring it up.

5. "Are you SURE it's colorless?"
Clearly this friend has studied the different diamond color grades. If you can't tell what the difference is, then don't let it bother you. It's just annoying having someone rub in that you don't know jack shit about diamonds.

6. "How sure are you that's not a blood diamond?"
Your self-righteous friends WILL ask if you know where your diamond came from, even if you didn't choose it. There is nothing wrong with being wary of blood diamonds, but the annoyance begins when they go on, and on, and on and on and on about conflict diamonds. It's your happy day, can't they just shut up and let you enjoy the moment? Nope. Not if you're wearing a conflict diamond.

7. "I bet he's in debt now."
If your fiance is mindlessly blowing away thousands on a sparkler when you and everyone knows he can't afford it, then even you should be worried. But if you know he can afford it, then you can ignore what people are rumor-mongering about your S.O.

8. "It's fake."
Maybe you're wearing a cubic zirconia. Maybe you don't believe in paying shitloads for a diamond. Maybe it's a real diamond but your friend is hellbent on trying to make everyone believe it's a fake stone. If this bothers you, ask her why she keeps saying that, or get your diamond checked out at a jeweler's. 

9. "Congratulations on your future divorce!"
Could this friend have witnessed all of your petty arguments, your public outrages, and your constant bickering? If they're saying this, you might want to think twice about how compatible you are with your significant other. Sometimes friends can see what you can't, and they're probably worried that you might be saying yes for the wrong reasons. But if you sense your friend is just being bitter, then they're...

10. "Ugh. So jealous..."
Yep. Sometimes it's just plain and simple. You can't stop bitter single friends from scoffing at your happiness; from the day you dated your lover, to the day you said yes, to the day you say "I do". It doesn't even end there. Wait till you have your first kid. Unfortunately you know that these bitter single friends have been hurt badly in the past, and are too walled up to move on at the moment. Instead of getting upset with them, just understand that they simply can't help feeling the way they do.