The fashion industry loves using thin models to help highlight their clothes. But how thin is too thin? Apparently, this model was too thin, so much so that the ad from Gucci has been banned.

This ad:


British advertising watchdog reported the video.


And it was this image that they did not like.


According to the ASA in Britain, Gucci tried to refute the claim:

" was, to some extent, a subjective issue as to whether a model looked unhealthily thin...but 'nowhere in the ads were any models' 'bones' visible, their makeup was natural rather than heavy [...], lighting was uniform and warm to ensure there were no hollows caused by shadows and their clothes were not revealing."

Still, they ruled over it and it's not been banned.

The report continued:

"Her pose elongated her torso and accentuated her waist so that it appeared to be very small. We also considered that her sombre facial expression and dark make up, particularly around her eyes, made her face look gaunt."
What do you think? Too thin?