Jiff, the Pomeranian, is not only cute. He's famous too. His most famous role to date is appearing in Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" video. Now he's made it into the Guinness World of Records for being the fastest dog on two paws.

His claim to fame:

Now Jiff is being inducted into the Guinness World Records for the fastest 10 meter run on hind legs and fastest 5 meter on front paws.


Jiff had to run the 5 and 10 meter races in front of the judges in under ten seconds.


He succeeded in breaking both records on the first try. In the 10 meter hind leg race, he completed it in 6.56 seconds and the 5 meter race in 7.76 seconds.

Check out the video:

Jiff isn't only a superstar and a Guinness World Record holder. He's a cutie. This is him having breakfast:


And whatever this is. Way too cute.


Well done, Jiff!