
Whether its been a few months or years, everyone reaches a point when they start to wonder whether the relationship they're in is really going anywhere. And the best way to do this is to determine the compatibility and chemistry between you and your partner. While many might think these two are interchangeable, there really is a big difference.

Chemistry is the emotional connection present when you’re with your significant other. Often experienced during the "infatuation stage", couples with a high degree of chemistry will often find themselves obsessing over the other person and spending all their free-time thinking how awesome they are.

Once those fuzzy feelings fade, that's when compatibility comes to play. Compatibility is determined by the lifestyle choices and values between two people. Couples who are compatible are more likely to go the distance than those who don't, and that's because they can actually "get" where the other person is coming from.  By understanding the difference between the two, only then can you truly look at your relationship for what it is.

As for the guy you're currently, here are a couple of ways to determine if her truly is 'Mr. Right' or just 'Mr. Right Now':

Mr Right Now
  • Talks about his ex(es) more than he talks about anyone else. This is a pretty good sign that he has a lot of unfinished relationship issues.
  • Offers "suggestions" on what you could do to improve your looks. You're a person, not his personal Barbie doll.
  • Thinks your interests are a waste of time, and doesn't make any efforts to understand where you're coming from.
  • Thinks it’s genetic for men to cheat. Of course marriage isn’t natural, that’s why you have to commit.
  • Still claims he doesn’t know what he wants to do in his life or career. Chances are he's just going to be as confused about your relationship status, so don't waste your time.
  • Is so full of himself, and assumes that everyone should feel the same. There is no room for both you and his big ego in this relationship.
  • Tells you he doesn’t want a serious relationship right now. Don't expect to change him, it's not worth the effort.

Mr Right (For You)
  • Inspires and encourages you not just to be your best but even better then you thought you could be. He never holds you back from fulfilling your aspirations.
  • Appreciates all the important people in your life the way you do, and does his best to treat your loved ones with care and respect.
  • Is both emotionally and physically available in your relationship. He doesn't hesitate when others refer to you guys as a couple as he wants the whole world to know that he's taken by you.
  • Is quietly confident because he knows who he is and doesn't feel the need to toot his own horn.
  • Is trustworthy. He walks the talk and not just because he wants to impress, but because that's what he expects from everyone else.