
If you find yourself having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, you're probably blaming the weather, your alarm clock, or whatever else that made you so tired, you won't even budge to go to the loo for a piss.

"The difficulties [we have] waking up in the morning could be the result of many causes," writes sleep specialist Dennis Rosen at Psychology Today. Here are a few reasons why:
  • Insufficient sleep: This one's a bit of a no-brainer, almost sounds like more of a symptom than a cause. A lack of sleep – like the trouble of waking up in the first place – inevitably raises the question of why?
  • Irregular sleep schedule: Are you a nurse, fireman, or someone else who works unconventional hours and nightshifts? Your occupation could be an occupational hazard in and of itself.
  • Circadian rhythm phase delay: Is your body's internal clock at war with society?
  • Poor sleep hygeine: Do you take naps during the day, drink coffee close to bedtime, or watch TV in bed? The National Sleep Foundation says these are all examples of poor sleep hygiene.
  • Sleep apnea: You could well benefit from a Darth Vader-esque breathing machine.
  • Restless leg syndrome: Vagueness notwithstanding, it's recognized by the Mayo Clinic.
  • Pharmaceutical side effects: Antidepressants, blood pressure pills, alergy meds and over-the-counter drugs like pain medications and more have all been shown to interfere with the ability to fall asleep at night and wake rested in the morning.
  • Underlying physical or psychiatric disorders: A common culprit: depression.
Rosen also explains that these factors are often experienced in combination with one another. So your issue with waking up in the morning could be more complicated than just having too many late nights.

We wish we had some new-age solid advise to help you sleep n rise better (something that doesn't involve peppermint or chamomile tea) but Rosen recommends seeking professional help at a sleep centre.